Monday, June 13, 2011

Utilizing The Epiphytic Orchids As CO2 Absorbent Agent

As we all know, that the plant is known as biological agents CO2 absorber very effective. Through a complex process of photosynthesis, CO2 is absorbed from the atmosphere is converted to carbohydrates with the aid of sunlight energy. The result of photosynthesis and then spread throughout the plant to backfilled in a network or used directly to produce energy through respiration. Therefore, by measuring the number of elements of C (carbon) in plant biomass, it can be predicted much CO2 in the atmosphere is absorbed by a species of plant.

In this world there are various types of plants. One of them are Epiphytic plants. Epiphytic plants are non-parasitic plants that use other plants as a place to grow during the life cycle. Or in other words, epiphytic plants grow only ride in a way attached to the trunk or branches of trees or other vegetation. Kress (1986) and Nieder et al (2001) mentions that the vascular plant species that live as epiphytes mostly found in tropical forests. Whereas in tropical, epiphytic plants represent 25 percent of all vascular plant species, and Orchid (Orchidaceae) is the main group of epiphytic plants (Dressler, 1993).

Bulbophyllum is one genus in the Orchid families(Orchidaceae), which has more than 1200 species in the world. Almost all members of this genus live as epiphytes plants. Marga This includes having enough growth rate relatively fast compared to other Epiphytic Orchids. This type of growth that simpodial and often creeping along the surface of the media make this plant more quickly cover the surface of the media compared with monopodial epiphytic orchids such as Phalaenopsis, Vanda, Malleola, Cleisostoma etc.

Some of the benefits of Epiphytic plants as carbon sinks when compared with other terrestrial plants including: plant epiphytes are generally tolerant of light intensity under the canopy of host trees; epiphytic plants are very efficient to fill the space tree trunk surface thereby increasing the absorption of CO2 is higher when compared with the surface of tree trunks that are not overgrown with epiphytic plants; generally epiphytic plants have evolved to adapt to limited sources of water and nutrients around the growth as well as plants that can efficiently utilize the moisture from the water flow in the trunk of trees when it rains for the growth of epiphytic orchids. Due to the absence of epiphytic plants, moisture in the skin surface and shaft fractures trees will just evaporate and go away because the process of evapotranspiration. Therefore, with the advantages of epiphytic plants in utilizing the space as well as the limitations of growth factors that exist, it is important to know the extent of epiphytic orchids potential to increase carbon absorption capacity.

The observation of several kinds of orchids Bulbophyllum showed that Epiphytic Orchids has enough potential that effective and efficient as CO2 absorbent agent to maximize the space to grow on the surface of tree bark. In general, leaf surface area produced by the orchid Bulbophyllum much broader than the broad field of growing orchids themselves. In the field grew by 100 cm ? leaf surface area can be generated between 234.36 up to 532 cm ?. Thus, the presence of epiphytic orchids on bark surface will add to the field of chlorophyll that can perform photosynthesis, so that automatically will also improve the absorption of CO2 in tree bark surface area. While the biomass produced by growth in epiphytic orchid show that orchid Bulbophyllum can also act as effective carbon storage and efficient. It is shown from the mean dry weights ranging from 1 to 10 g per 100 cm ? surface area of the field grow. Bulb parents on the orchid Bulbophyllum presisten generally remain attached to the skin and tree / growing medium, although the leaves have fallen, because this old bulb to function as reserve food and water for the growth of young shoots next. Therefore, the carbon is in the old bulb networks will survive as the carbon stored over the old bulb has not fallen on the ground and decomposes.

Kind used in this observation include Bulbophyllum lepidum (Blume) JJSm., Bulbophyllum membranaceum Teijsm. and Binn., Bulbophyllum odoratum (Blume) Lindl., Bulbophyllum purpurascens Teijsm. and Binn., Bulbophyllum inunctum JJSm., and Bulbophyllum vaginatum (Lindl.) Rchb.f.

Seeing the potential of  orchids Bulbophyllum as Epiphytes plants that can produce the leaf surface area large enough and produce biomass through photosynthesis, although with limited growth factor on the surface of the bark, such as limited water supply, lack of nutrients, and light intensity shaded, then the orchid is proven as an agent absorbing CO2 and carbon storage is an effective and efficient. Therefore, the surface of tree bark is covered with epiphytic orchids like Bulbophyllum, will have a field of more optimal absorption of CO2 compared with the skin surface of the tree trunk is not covered by epiphytic plants.

Therefore, let's start planting trees stems beside our house with various types of Epiphytic Orchids of the genus Bulbophyllum. In addition to adding aesthetic value because of the beautiful flowers, will also increase carbon absorption field along the surface of the rod is covered with orchids. Although the contribution of carbon sequestration is low, but if everyone can do it, then its contribution will also be significant.


Dressler, Robert L., 1993. Phylogeny and Classification of the Orchid Family. Melbourne. Cambridge University Press.

Kress, WJ, 1986. The Systematic Distribution of Vascular epiphytes. Selbyana 9: 2-22.

Nieder, Jurgen., Juliana Prosperi, Georges Michaloud., 2001. Epiphytes and Their Contribution to Canopy Diversity. Plant Ecology 153: 51-63. Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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