1. Red mites Tennuipalvus orchidarum Parf
Order: Acarina
Family: Tetranychidae
Red mites, very small size that is 0.2 mm so difficult to be seen with the naked eye. Mites can be found on leaves, leaf midrib and other hidden parts. Red mite eggs, round and placed lengthwise on the upper leaf surface.
The types that can be attacked by this pest is the Phalaenopsis sp., Dendrobium sp., Orchidium sp., Vanda sp. and Granatophyllium sp., cotton, beans, oranges, and especially the class of dicotyledonous weeds.
Symptoms of attack.
Mites reproduce very rapidly and in a short time can lead to sudden failure. The plant is attacked, among others, leaves and flower stalks. Handle which will attack like a bronze color. On the upper leaf surface there is a point / yellow or brown spots, then expand and the entire leaf becomes yellow.
On the lower surface silvery white and the top yellow false. At the level of advanced attack stained brown leaves will turn black and then fall. In leaf Phalaenopsis sp. at first and then silvery white to yellow. These pests can spread both in the rainy season and dry season, but usually attacks increased during the dry season, whereas during the rainy season reduced because of water-borne attacks. Damage can occur ranging from breeding.
2. Elephant Beetle Orchidophilus aterrimus ( Acythopeus) aterrimus Wat.
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Curculionidae
Beetles black dirty / non-glossy with sizes varying from 3.5 to 7 mm including the snout. Beetles lay their eggs on leaves or holes in the stems of plants. Larvae drilling to stem tissue or enter the shoots / buds and stems up to become pupae.
Types of orchids that were attacked are epiphytic orchids among others Arachnis sp., Cattleya sp., Coelogyne sp., Cypripedium sp., Dendrobium sp., Cymbidium sp., Paphiopedilum sp., Phalaenopsis sp., Renanthera sp., And Vanda sp.
Symptoms of attack.
Beetles lay their eggs on leaves or stem of the plant hole. Damage occurs by drill because larvae eat the leaves and stem tissue on the inside so that the resulting flow of water and nutrients from the roots cut off and the leaves turn yellow and wilt. Damage to the leaves causing the leaves with holes. Larvae also drilling stem tubers, shoots and stems to form a cocoon, while the adult beetles eat the epidermis / young leaf surface, tissue / stem of flower and bud / bud so that it can lead to death of the plant was damaged. The attack at the point of growing plants can be deadly. In breeding Phalaenopsis sp. These pests can be seriously attacked. Elephant beetle attacked can occur throughout the year, but most occur in the rainy season, especially at the beginning of the rainy season.
3. Borer Beetles Omobaris calanthes Mshl
Order: Colepotera
Family: Curculionidae
Growth of larvae can reach a length of 5 mm
Orchid species which attacked mainly is mainly ground orchid species Calanthe sp. and Phajus sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
Unlike the elephant beetle, the larvae of this beetle into the network to drill roots / tubers, shoots and flower stalks so that to drilling the wall to black. While the beetle can be found at the center of the plant between the leaf below. Insects make a number of holes, often lined up on the leaves and buds that are still folded key which can then be broken and die. In the early stages and often damage the roots of plants when flowers are still buds. The attack caused severe crop looks miserable and can be deadly orchid plant as a whole.
4. Root Borer Beetle Diaxenes phalaenopsidis Fish
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Cerambycidae
Bright green eggs with a length of 2.4 mm and placed under the cuticle of the root. The larvae are yellow and form a pupa in a cocoon of stringy / fibrous solid. Beetle can live up to 3 months and life cycle reaches 50-60 days. In these beetles hide during the day and at night eat the leaves of the top and left pieces irregular marks on the surface.
Larvae and beetles can attack orchids Renanthera sp., Vanda sp., Dendrobium SDP., Oncidium sp. and more specifically Phalaenopsis sp.
Symptoms of attack.
Larvae drill roots so the roots dry out and can lead to death. The larvae also attack flowers. Damage caused by this pest will be very severe if not immediately controlled.
5. Borer Beetles Oulema (= entry) pectoralis Baly
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Chrysomelidae
Yellowish-green beetle. His body was covered with dark green foam. The larvae bore holes in the leaves, roots, flower buds and flowers. Beetles have criocerin type along the back and narrow pronotum. Insects of this family are associated with grasses and other monokotiledon. Larvae are originally gray, with increasing age, will turn into yellow. Larval body is always covered by his own feces. Eggs are placed separately on the interest and petiola. Eggs yellow-green with a length of 1.25 mm. Newly hatched larvae carrying the egg shell on his back. Life cycle to 30 days.
Arachnis sp., Grammatophyllum sp., Vanda sp., Phalaenopsis sp., Calanthes sp. and sometimes attacking Dendrobium sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
The larvae bore holes in the leaves, roots, flowers and flower buds. Adult insects can also eat the leaves.
6. Flea Shield Parlatoria proteus Curt
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Diaspididae
Ticks have a shield-sized red brown + 1.5 mm, dark adult lice are round, flat, attached to the plant part attacked. Eggs were placed under the shield / shell, so it is not visible from above. Larvae not has leg, round. Head lice do not winged adult females while the male wings.
IBI lice is widespread and mainly found in plants Dendrobium sp., Renanthera sp., Vanda sp. and other types of ground orchids, and palms.
Symptoms of Attack:
Plants attacked yellow pine away, sometimes falling leaf.
7. Leaves snorer Gonophora xanthomela ( Agonita Spathoglottis)
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Chrysomelidae
Beetles measuring 6 mm, there is a black and orange sign. Eggs laid on the lower surface of leaves and covered with dirt.
These pests attack the types of Phalaenopsis amabilis, Vanda tricolor, V. coerulea, Arundina sp. and Aspathoglottis sp.
Symptoms of attack.
Snoring larvae inside the leaves and leave the epidermis so that leaves appear transparent. Severe attack occurred in the rainy season.
8. Silkworm Flower Chliaria othona
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Lycaenidae
Caterpillar-shaped flat. Newly hatched larvae from eggs into the shoots to flower. Pupal stage occurs in leaves and tubers in the layers of woven and wrapped in layers of silk pupae.
These caterpillars attack the kinds of Dendrobium sp., Phalaenopsis sp., Arundina sp., Phajus sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
Caterpillars eat the orchid flower or bud. After hatching from eggs immediately enter and damage to the shoots to flower.
9. Leaf eaters Negeta chlorocrota
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Noctuidae
Silkworm is an orchid leaf spring rollers. Advanced instar larvae are green fade with dark longitudinal lines and four marks on his back. Seta (hair) grow from a small long and black. Panang larvae + 35 mm. Young moth does not fly very far. Spiny eggs and are found in leaves, shoots and flowers. In Bogor, the life cycle of up to 38 days.
Damage at most at Dendrobium sp., And Arachnis sp .. and insects are also found in Phalaenopsis sp. and a variety of wild orchids.
Symptoms of Attack:
The larvae eat the young leaves and leaving the leaf pieces are white and transparent. Damage caused by the next instar on older leaves. The young shoots are also attacked. At high populations of larvae gnaw the leaves, oval pieces of leaves left on top and used to form the pupa.
10. White Lice Pseudococcus sp
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Pseudococcidae
The whole body covered by a wax including a short protrusion found on his body. Flea reddish brown, 2 mm long, and produce honey dew so attractive to ants to gather. Fleas reproduce themselves through or without marriage (parthenogenesis). The development of one generation takes over 36 days.
This pest is widespread and is an important pest on fruit trees and ornamental plants.
Symptoms of Attack:
At Dendrobium sp., Lice attacking the root tip, the lower leaves and stems. Part of plant attacked is yellow and eventually die because of these pests suck the liquid cell.
In Phalaenopsis sp., Lice attack armpit leaves around the growing point, causing plants to die.
11. Half Naked Snail (Slug) Parmarion pupillaris
Phyllum: Mollusca
Snails do not have a transplant, measuring 5 cm long, yellowish brown or grayish brown. Houses on the back stunted and slightly protruding. Snails are not segmented, soft body, could remove mucus, multiply looks hermaphrodite but often also they entered marriage with each other. Snails like humidity. Eggs laid in moist places. Snails usually hide during the day in the shade and actively search for food at night. Tools to eat shaped like a rough tongue like a scar called a radula.
Polifag nature, besides attacking orchids are also on cabbage, mustard greens, tomato, potato, tobacco, rubber and sweet potato.
Symptoms of Attack:
Snails eat the leaves and make irregular holes. Often characterized by the former slightly shiny slime and dirt. Seedling roots and shoots are also attacked. Often the damage to the nursery or plant that has just grown. Snails also eat decaying organic material or plants that are still alive.
12. Naked Snail Vaginula bleekeri or Filicaulis bleekeri
Phyllum: Mollusca
Snail shape like a leech, grayish brown, on his back there are patches of dark brown irregular and there are a pair of line widely, the length of the body + 5 cm.
In addition to attacking orchids, also damage the nursery vegetables such as cabbage, mustard greens, tomato and tobacco.
Symptoms of Attack:
Symptoms similar attack Parmarion. Snails attack plants at night. The plant is attacked is the leaves and shoots, bud.
13. Snail Achatina fulica or A. variegata
Phyllum: Mollusca
Snails have a transplant (home), with a length of 10-13 cm +. On the afternoon of this snail often rest on the trunk of papaya, banana and the wall. On the night looking for food. During the day seeking shelter in the ground hole, tin or bamboo. When disturbed they will pull his head into the home. Sometimes it can make a sound. At the time of drought and hot air, head and entire body is inserted inside the house and the hole covered with a thick layer of membrane that until he can survive during the dry season + 6 months. When the rainy season arrives in a few hours they can immediately end his rest and start looking for food. The newly hatched snails can survive without food for 1 month. Snails that can withstand large freshwater submerged for 12 hours, but if the water contains salt snails will die slowly. Yellow eggs + 5 mm in diameter, usually found in groups of 100-500 eggs in number of egg clumps grain diameter can be up to + 5 cm. Usually located under rocks, plants or in loose soil. These eggs will hatch in 10-14 days.
Snails in addition to damaging orchids, also plant daffodils, dahlia flowers, papaya, tomato.
Symptoms of Attack:
Snails much damage the whole plant by eating the leaves and other plant parts. In addition, also eat plants that have died.
14. Mites Orange Orchid Pseudoleptus vandergooti (Oud)
Order: Acarina
Family: Tertranychidae
0.3 mm-sized mites, live in colonies on the leaves of the dead.
Dendrobium sp. very sensitive to mites attack orange.
Symptoms of Attack:
These pests cause leaf and stem tissue discoloration.
15. Orchid thrips Dichromothrips (= Eugniothrips) smithi (Zimm)
Order: Thysanoptera
Sub Order: Terebrantia
These pests are very small, and gray, some are lightly browned. Its length is about 1-1 ? mm. Trips have three pairs of legs, and body lean.
Orchid thrips of P. Java also found in Taiwan. Thrips cause serious damage to the orchid nursery Arachnis sp., Cattleya sp., Dendrobium sp., Renanthera sp., And Vanda sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
These pests cause stunted plant growth, falling interest rates, deformed leaves and silvery color. In the dry season thrips attack can lead to lower production rates.
16. Ladybug Orchid Mertila malayensis Dist
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Miridae
Ladybug red-black. Eggs laid on leaves, and newly hatched nymphs are red similar to the mites. The insects usually live in groups, if disturbed it will run away quickly. In Salatiga life cycle of about 4 weeks, and adult insects can live for 2 months.
Ladybug has a distribution area covers an area of South and East Asia. Ladybug can be found in the orchid Phalaenopsis sp., Bulbophyllum sp., Renanthera sp., Vanda sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
Ladybugs attack symptoms yellow white spots on the upper and lower surfaces of leaves of orchids. Sometimes these points are very tightly so it is a white spot. Plants attacked after a long time to be bald.
17. Flea Cerataphis oxhidiarum Orchid Leaf (West)
Order: Homoptera
Family: Aphidoidea
Species of aphids are dark brown to black. At the time young, green insect. The spread included in the tropics.
This bug is widespread and mainly found in plants Dendrobium sp., Renanthera sp., Vanda sp. and other types of ground orchids.
Symptoms of Attack:
Clinging aphids on leaves, causing leaf turns yellow attacked, then brown, finally dead.
18. Flea Shell Aspidiotus sp.
Order: Homoptera
Family: Diaspididae
The adults are dark brown red color measuring 1.5 mm long. Head lice eggs female can produce 20-30 eggs. Eggs laid in under his body armor. The new nymphs will hatch out of the shield, grouped under the leaf surface. Egg to adult period reached 1.5 to 2 months. Peak activity occurs in the dry season.
Shell ticks found on orchid Renanthera sp. and Vanda sp., coconut, oil palm, banana, mango, avocado, guava, cocoa, rubber, breadfruit tree, ginger and tea.
Symptoms of Attack:
These insects suck the liquid in the lower surface of leaves so that leaves spots and cause yellow leaves brown. Ticks suck the liquid leaves, so the longer the fluid runs out and leaves the surrounding tissue necrosis. In severe attacks the leaves become dry and then fall off.
19. Small Snail Lamellaxis (= Opeas) gracilis (Hutt.) and Subulina octona Brug
Phyllum: Mollusca
Pest shell length of 11 mm and bright yellow. Both these pest species in nature are often mixed.
Often found in tobacco nursery beds, and in other areas in Indonesia are found attacking vegetables in greenhouses.
Symptoms of Attack:
These snails live on orchid plants among the growing medium in pots and attack the roots. At night slug rose to the surface of the pot and attack the leaves. Severe attack occurred in the rainy season.
1. Black Rot Phytopthora spp.
The disease is mainly found in the orchid Cattleya sp., Phalaenopsis sp., Dendrobium sp., Epidendrum sp. and Oncidium sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
Infection appears in the presence of black spots which spread from the center of the plant to the leaf. In a relatively short time all the leaves have fallen. This fungus attacks the plant shoots and growing points. The base of shoots visible when wet and easily pulled apart. When the attack point to grow, growth will be stalled. The spread of the disease is very fast when the state of the environment moist.
In Cattleya disease can arise in the leaves, tubers pseudo root rhizomes and flower buds. This disease can also arise in the nursery as fall foul disease. In a large leaf spots occur, dark purple, purplish brown, or black. Spots surrounded by yellowish halo. Of leaf disease progresses to the pseudo bulbs, rhizomes roots, perhaps even to the whole plant. If the disease first arose in pseudo bulbs, the bulbs will be black, purple, and all that lies on it will wither. Often the leaves become brittle with the slightest wobble will slip a little leaf on top of pseudo bulbs. Infections that occur on the surface of the soil can cause foot rot.
In Vanda, first at the base of the leaf occurs irregular brownish black spot, quickly spread to the entire surface of the leaf and the surrounding leaves. In general, the disease arises in areas of plant shoots. In this section the leaves of black-brown and easy to fall. Sometimes the disease also occur on the trunk and the root zone.
Morphology / Epidemiology:
Sporangium forming fungi, easily separated, oval or elliptic, base rounded, has a short stalk, and hyaline. Phytophthora spores can separated by the wind, and splashing water.
Rhizome roots can be infected because the pathogen can be carried by the knife used to cut (separate plants). The disease also grew by high humidity, because water helps the formation, dispersal, and germination of spores.
2. Antraknosa. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) SACC. (Perfect Stage: Glomerella cingulata)
The disease is found in the orchid species Dendrobium sp., Arachnis sp., Ascocendo sp., Phalaenopsis sp., Vanda sp. and Oncidium sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
In the leaves or tubers pseudo first round spots, settle, yellow or light green. Finally spots become brown and has black spots which consist of fruiting bodies (aservulus) fungi. In general, these spots regularly on circles centered. In humid conditions fruiting bodies release spores mass (konidium) pink or orange. Leaves will fall eventually affected tubers will bare.
In flowers, the disease causes small brown spots that can be enlarged and united so as to cover the entire flower.
Fungus can defend themselves with living in pain saprofitik on crop residues. In favorable weather (humid), the fungus formed konidium which, if formed in a sticky mass, konidium separated by splashing rain water / water spray, may also by insects.
Fungi are weak parasites, which can only be entered into a state of infection in plants is weak, mainly through injuries, including injuries due to sunburn. The occurrence of disease is also assisted by providing too much nitrogen fertilizer.
Morphology / Epidemiology:
Gloeosporioides Collethotrichum aservulus shaped in part that died (necrosis) is bounded firm, usually berseta, sometimes berseta very rarely or not at all. Aservulus is round, elongated or irregular, their diameters can reach 500 ?m. Seta long, varied, seldom more than 200 ?m, a width of 4-8 ?m, insulated 1-4, brown, base slightly swollen, narrowed to tip, the tip is sometimes shaped konidium. Konidium tubular, apex blunt, base terpancung narrow, hyaline, not insulated, 1.9 to 24 x 3.6 ?m core. Conidiophores tubular, not insulated, hyaline or pale brown.
Collethotrichum gloeosporioides widespread, as weak parasites on various host plants, and some have only live as a saprophyte. Fungus can defend themselves by living in saprofitis on various crop residues sick. In favorable weather konidium forming fungi. Since formed in the adhesive mass, konidium dipencarkan by splashing water, and possibly by insects. Konidium formation formed by the humid weather, dispersal konidium being assisted by water sprinkling or pouring rain.
3. Wilt Sklerotium rolfsii SACC. (Perfect Stage: Corticium rolfsii Curzi)
In addition to attacking orchids, the disease is known to attack on other agricultural crops. In the orchid occurs mainly in terrestrial species, such as Vanda sp., Arachnis sp. and so forth.
Symptoms of Attack:
Plants that are attacked by yellowing and wilting. Infection occurs in the parts close to the ground. This section is rotting, and on its surface there is a white fungus mycelium, organized like a feather. Mycelium is formed sklerotium, which was originally white, later developing into brown grains that are similar to mustard seeds.
In Phalaenopsis disease causes root rot and leaf base. The network becomes creamy yellow, watery, which soon turned brown due to soft soil bacteria and fungi.
Sklerotium nearly spherical shape with a rather flat base, has the outer skin, the skin inside and terrace.
In the tropics S. rolfsii not form spores. Fungus can survive long with a saprofitik life, and in the form sklerotium that are resistant to unfavorable conditions.
S. rolfsii commonly found in soil. Fungus mainly dispersed together with soil or organic material carrier. Sklerotium can be dispersed due to be carried away by flowing water.
S. rolfsii especially thrive in humid weather. Fungus can infect orchid plants through wounds or not, when through a wound infection would take place more quickly. In Indonesia, Oncidium sp. and Phalaenopsis sp. highly susceptible to S. rolfsii, Cattleya sp. moderately resistant, while Dendrobium sp. very resistant.
Morphology / Epidemiology:
S. rolfsii is a cosmopolitan fungus, can attack a variety of plants, especially the young. Mushroom mycelium that has consisted of white threads, arranged like a feather or fan. Fungus does not form spores. For dispersal and for protection of fungi to form a number of previously white sklerotium later become brown with a diameter of approximately 1 mm. Beads are easily detached and transported by water.
Sklerotium have a strong skin that is resistant to high temperatures and drought. In the land sklerotium can survive for 6-7 years. In dry weather will sklerotium mengeriput, but it will germinate quickly if the return is in a humid environment.
4. Fusarium oxysporum
Fusarium wilt disease can be found in the orchid species Cattleya sp., Dendrobium sp. and Oncidium sp. It also attacks cabbage, caisin, hot pepper, papaya, chrysanthemums, palm oil, pepper, potato, banana and ginger.
Symptoms of attack:
Pathogens infect plants through the roots or enter through wounds on roots of freshly cut roots, stems and leaves cause wrinkling. The top soil looks miserable like water shortages, yellowed, with wrinkled leaves, tubers pseudo become thin, sometimes slightly twisted. Root rot, decay on the roots can spread upward, to the base of the stem.
If the root rhizome cut would appear that the epidermis and hypodermis are purple, while the phloem and xylem of purple pink. Eventually the entire root rhizomes become purple.
Pathogens can survive naturally in the growing medium and plants on the roots of illness. If there are sensitive plants, through root wounds may soon infection. The disease is easily spread by seed, and agricultural tools used.
5. Cercospora leaf spots spp.
All kinds of orchids infected by this disease, especially those planted in the open, like Vanda sp., Arachnis sp., Aranda sp., Aeridachnis sp. and so forth.
Symptoms of attack:
The disease arises only when the state of the environment moist. At first on the underside of young leaves little brown spots. Blotches may develop dilated and elongated, and may unite to form large patches. At the center of the brown spots vaginal discharge, fungal conidiophores forming clusters with konidium, which when viewed with a magnifying glass (loupe) looks like black specks of gray. Center for spotting eventually dry up and can be perforated. This phenomenon is more widely available in old leaves.
Morphology / Epidemiology:
Konidium this mushroom-shaped rod of length insulated 3-12. Conidiophores short, insulated 1-3, the fungus can be carried by the seed and survive on plant remains ill during one season. Hot and wet weather helped the development of disease. The disease can arise in young plants, although it tends more heavily on older plants.
6. Brown patches of Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) cattleyae (Pav.) Savul
The disease mainly attacks the Phalaenopsis sp. and Catleya sp.
Symptoms of attack:
The disease is particularly harmful Phalaenopsis sp. The plant is attacked by the leaves and growing points. The disease spread very fast, and the leaves are attacked by soft spots occur and brownish or black. The disease spread rapidly. If the disease reaches the point of growth, the plants will die. The part that hurt mucus (exudate), which can transmit the disease to other plants, through watering.
On leaves Cattleya sp. disease appears as patches of sediment, black . In general, the disease is limited to one or two leaves, and does not kill plants.
The mass of bacteria often appear on the surface of plant tissue pain. This disease develops in wet environmental conditions and high temperatures. The disease can be transmitted through agricultural equipment, water, growing medium and seeds that are infected.
7. Soft rot Erwinia spp.
This disease can attack all types of orchid plants and even other network software.
Symptoms of Attack:
The disease attacks the crop tillers in compote. The leaves of seedlings look juicy and the leaves change color brown. In pseudobulb or other soft parts decay occurs with an unpleasant smell. These bacteria cause decay in the soft tissues and in tissues that ex-bitten by insects.
Morphology / Epidemiology:
Rod-shaped bacterial cells, have no capsule. Bacteria move by using flagella around the cell contained the bacteria.
Pathogenic bacteria easily carried away by insects, water, growing medium and infected crop residues, and agricultural tools. The optimal temperature for bacterial growth is 27 ? C. In conditions of low temperature and low humidity hampered bacterial growth.
8. Seeds fall ultinum Pythium, and Rhizoctonia solani Phytohpthora cactorum
The disease is found in young plants in a compote of orchid species Cymbidium sp., Dendrobium sp., Oncidium sp. and so forth.
Symptoms of Attack:
On young plants characterized by symptoms of damping-off, is the plant dies and collapses. The base of the plants decompose, so it does not stand up strong. The disease progressed to the top to the other soft parts.
Pathogens are scattered by water. R. solani survive long in the soil (growing medium).
9. Leaf spots Pestalotia sp.
The disease is found in the orchid species Vanda sp., Arachnis sp., Dendrobium sp. and Oncidium sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
In old leaves found spots with black dots in the middle. At first, a little brown spot is yellow.
Pathogens scattered with spores that occur when there is a sudden change from wet and dry conditions and winds.
10. Spotting Botryodiplodia sp.
The disease is found in the orchid species Vanda sp. and Arachnis sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
In Vanda sp. disease marked by patches of brown to black elongated. Symptoms occur in both the leaf and stem. Spotting is not limited to the parts that are old but who mudapun attacked.
The disease spores are scattered with bodies inside the fruit. Spores scattered when a sudden weather changes from wet to dry.
11. Botrytis flower patches cenerea
This disease mainly attacks the flowers on the orchid species Phalaenopsis sp. and Cattleya sp ..
Symptoms of Attack:
At the crown of flowers at first there were black spots. When the disease has been developed further by the very many spots, the flowers will rot and blackened.
This disease develops when the humidity is very high. Dispersal of disease spores are carried by the wind very easily.
12. Rust Uredo sp.
Rust disease found in Oncidium sp. and other types.
Symptoms of Attack:
Pustules on the leaf surface are colored yellow. Each pustules surrounded by klorotik leaf tissue. Severe attack causes the leaves to dry.
Pathogen spores easily attached to the legs of insects and by wind. Very humid conditions help the development of disease.
13.Mosaics Virus Cymbidium (Cymbidium mosaic virus = CyMV)
Cymbidium mosaic virus, also known as "black Cymbidium streak virus" or "Orchid mosaic virus".
The virus is found in 8 genera, namely Aranthera sp., Calanthe sp., Cattleya sp., Cymbidium sp., Gromatophyllum sp., Phalaenopsis sp., Oncidium sp., And Vanda sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
In Cymbidium sp. mosaic symptoms will appear more clearly on the young leaves of lines klorotik elongated leaf fiber direction. Interest in plant Cattleya sp. who are infected usually show symptoms of necrotic brown spots on petals and sepal. Flowers usually are smaller and easy to fall compared with healthy plants flower.
Morphology / Epidemiology:
CyMV elongated filament-shaped particles measuring 13 x 475 nm. The virus is transmitted mechanically through the plant extract liquid or sick, but is not transmitted through seed or insect vectors.
14. Tobacco Mosaic Virus Strain Orchid (Tobacco Mosaic Virus-Orchid = TMV-O)
The virus is also known by the name of the virus spots ringed odontoglossum (odontoglossum ringspot virus = ORSV).
Other types of orchids that can be attacked by this virus include Dendrobium sp., Epidendrum sp., Vanda sp., Cattleya sp., Oncidium sp. Cymbidium sp. and Phalaenopsis sp.
Symptoms of Attack:
In some types of orchids such as Cattleya sp., Symptoms of viral infection was varied, klorotik lines, blotches klorotik until necrotic or ring-shaped patches. In Oncidium sp. necrotic spots were apparent on the black underside of the leaf surface. In the field the percentage of plants Oncidium sp. infected with this virus can reach 100%. Symptoms on flowers, such as the orchid Cattleya sp., A mosaic on the sepals and petals. The edges of the flower is usually wavy.
Morphology / Epidemiology:
Rod-shaped virus particles measuring 18 x 300 nm. TMV-O easily transmitted mechanically through the plant extract was sick, but is not transmitted through insect vectors or seeds.
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