Friday, June 3, 2011

Orchids Propagation

Propagation of Orchid plants are generally done through two ways, with Conventional method and In Vitro Culture.

Conventional Method

Vegetative Propagation by stems separation, Like Dendrobium sp., Oncidium sp., Cattleya sp., and Cymbidium sp., cutting out new shoots from the stems and the plant out of the roots and stems of flowers. Such as Phalaenopsis sp., which than planted into the media fern fiber, mos coconut, charcoal, wood shavings, with a mixture of broken tile or bricks.
In vegetative tissues of growing a vegetative, such as roots, leaves, stems or buds on artificial media in the form of liquid or solid aseptically. With this method can be expected that propagation can be done quickly and amounted to much of the plants. But Conventional Vegetative propagation is not practical nor beneficial to plant cut flowers, because the number of seedlings obtained by these methods are very limited.

Generative Propagation by seed, Orchids seed are very small and had no endosperm ( Foot reserves ), so that germination in nature is very difficult. To generate flowers in large quantities and uniform plant is needed in large quantities as well. Therefore, increased production of flowers on the Orchid plants can only be achived with an efficient plant propagation business.
Generative, seed plants results obtained through generative crosses of these seeds are Heterozigous. So that the seeds produced have no steady and diverse nature. In this way to get the same plants with its parent is difficult, because Hybridization Orchids has grown so vast. However, in this way, will be obtained new varieties.

Propagation In vitro Culture

The method of In vitro Culture is one way that have been widely used in the vegetative propagation of Orchid Clones. In Vitro Culture method of growing a vegetative tissue ( such as: roots, leaves, stems, buds ) and generative tissues ( such as: ovule, embryo and seed ) on artficial media in the form of liquid aseptically ( free miroorganisms ).


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