Thursday, June 16, 2011

In Order For Rapid Flowering Orchids

You have trouble blooming orchid plants?, Special treatment is needed to stimulate and accelerate the flowering process in your Orchid plants.

Granting MSG

Try to use the MSG / MSG to stimulate flowering, the content of monosodium glutamate has a role as a growth stimulating hormones (gibberellins) and trigger the orchid to produce gibberellins. Provision made ??in plants that are grown, function only as a catalyst. While the energy that support the occurrence of flowering in supply through provision of fertilizer.

Containment / Lid

Giving Containment / lid on the plant will cause humidity to rise, more stomata open wide so that photosynthesis is better; would be optimal if accompanied by the provision of  P elements with high doses. Use a cloth or paper with a dark color as the lid.

Light intensity

There is a difference in light intensity level needs (in general) between: 4000-5000fc dendrobium, phalaenopsis 2000fc, 3000-4000fc Cattleya. In bright daylight, the intensity of the sun 10.000fc be required percentage:  40-50% Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis 20%, 30-40% Cattleya (you can adjust it to use a different paranet size).

With the addition of setting the light intensity, seedlings  that should bloom at the age of 1.5 years, can already flowering at the age of 8 months. The addition can be done by drying without paranet on 07.00-10.00 am (in addition to Cattleya need longer dark conditions for flowering).

Setting the stability of nutrients with hydroponics techniques

Use a drip system (drip irrigation) to control the amount of fertilizer to the plant intake, do it with the provision of a complete liquid fertilizer and the addition of a systemic fungicide. Adjustable speed drops to the level of evaporation that occurs.

Use of hormones gibberellins

Performed on plants grown to spur diversity cell function, so that the cells are directed for growth of shoots can be transferred to the flowering process.

Dose according to the type of plants, generally 2 mg / liter. If the concentration is too small, flowering will not occur, it will grow shoots. If given too much will inhibit the formation of flowers or flower to grow but quickly fell out and then will not bloom at all.

Inhibiting growth hormone usage

This hormone is also called retardants, are widely used is Paclobutrazol. Function inhibits the growth of shoots that become dormancy, the energy of this phase will be growing and collected ... for 3 months. After that dormancy should be solved with the provision of gibberellins and the plant will bloom simultaneously.


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