Sunday, June 19, 2011

Facts About Fertilizer

Functions and benefits of fertilizer have been compromised. Not a few who memorized the function of each constituent of fertilizer nutrients. Nitrogen is useful for the leaves, phosphorus for flowering, and potassium for fruit. Many books, magazines, and brochures that explain this farm. However, rarely explained about the mechanisms and processes of fertilizer uptake by plants. The latter eventually led to some controversy in terms of fertilization. On the other hand, the controversy surrounding the fertilization actually utilized by several manufacturers of fertilizers to increase the sale value and as a tool of trade competition. The following discussion of the controversy surrounding the manure and fertilizer, with the only restriction for ornamental plants in the garden and in pots.

Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer(Fertilizer Chemistry)

The advantages of organic fertilizer than chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers more easily absorbed by plants, more environmentally friendly, organic fertilizers are not harmful to health, and so forth. And why is it so?

In fact, plants can not differentiate and can not choose which absorbed nutrients from organic fertilizers or chemical fertilizers. Plants absorb nutrients, through ion exchange mechanism, and in the form of inorganic ions. To be absorbed by plants, organic fertilizers have to go through a series of reform processes by microbes in the soil into inorganic ions / chemicals. So are absorbed by plants in the end still be inorganic ions / chemicals.

The concentration of the nutrient content of organic fertilizer is far below the content of chemical fertilizers. A few tons of fertilizer a few tens of grams of organic versus chemical fertilizers, for the nutrient content of the same size. Excess properties of this organic fertilizer (though more accurate to say lack of), rumored as environmentally friendly. The new statement was true when the use of chemical fertilizers and excessive dosing is not appropriate. Something reasonable, any excessive certainly not good for any thing.

So is there any advantages of organic fertilizers over chemical fertilizers?, Organic fertilizers have the advantage in terms of improving the physical and biological properties of soil, something that can not be achieved chemical fertilizers. But with the record, only the organic fertilizer which is still solid, in the form of compost or manure original. Organic fertilizer in liquid form, extracts, leaf manure, and the pellets, will not have the ability to improve soil structure. But what about the plants in pots? Amid the trend is the use of soilless media, of course, the above-mentioned excess properties become meaningless anymore.

When should I use organic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer?, As long as we intend to give nutrients to plants, use of chemical fertilizers. Why is that?, Besides a lot cheaper, more quickly absorbed by plants, is also more controlled. Wherever, whose name must be the same urea fertilizer, containing nitrogen (in the form of ammonium) by 46%. As for organic fertilizer, depending on the material than anything, what kind of livestock and manure-producing livestock eat, and others. More difficult to predict. But if the main goal is to improve soil structure, use compost, manure or original. Do not be influenced by advertisements in the form of liquid organic fertilizer, leaf fertilizer, or manure pellets. These same fertilizers with chemical fertilizers, but much more expensive.

When the market found to contain elements of organic fertilizer Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium respectively over 4%, be assured that the fertilizer has been enriched with chemical fertilizers.

Leaves and Roots Fertilizer

Is it true leaf fertilizer is more effective and efficient than root fertilizer?, True absorption of fertilizers through the leaves 10 times more effectively and efficiently than through the roots?, Really fertilizers through the leaves means providing plant nutrients directly to the kitchen?, The answer to the question above is used as one one commercial tool and a tool for adding value selling leaf fertilizer. In fact, there has been no independent and valid research that can answer questions about the above.

The fact has been acceptable, in addition to the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and other acquired and absorbed by plants from the soil through the roots. By design roots are specifically designed to absorb nutrients, through ion exchange.

What about leaves? At the beginning of the introduction of leaf fertilizer, said the absorption of nutrients through leaf stomata. But this is later rectified, because the stomata were only passable gas. Then developed other issues, absorption through the leaf surface (epidermis cells and kultikula), that looks like a weave. In fact, most of the plant leaf surface covered by a layer of oil, wax, and even covered with fine hairs. Circumstances will certainly be a factor inhibiting the entry of nutrients through the leaves.

Indeed, leaves, or even stems of plants can absorb nutrients, yet the roots still more effective and efficient in absorbing nutrients. In some cases, are nutrients such as K, and Ca easy to get into the plant tissue to leaves and even stems of plants. But that does not mean all the nutrients more easily absorbed by plants through the roots of the plants outside.

When leaf fertilizer can be used? When fertilizer use root difficult to apply, for example in epiphytic plants, like most orchids. This answered the question why the leaf fertilizer is very popular and widely used among orchid lovers. Plants that have just experienced the root pruning, removal of pots, or the conditions under which for the time being the root of hard working properly, leaf fertilizer will be helpful and beneficial.

Another fact, Orchids hydroponic agriculture more people would be selected not only for reasons of saving space, but also the belief of plant nutrients are more controlled, effective, and efficient through the roots. Or perhaps there are ideas cropping systems in small pots but only fertilizer applied through the leaves. Guaranteed losses that will be harvested.

Slow Release Fertilizer

This type of fertilizer is also a brilliant trade idea from fertilizer producers. It said slow release fertilizer is a chemical fertilizer that are similar to organic fertilizers. Absorbed by plants as needed, to not pollute the environment. Superb. Once again great. Is this true?

In fact, plants can not feel full then stop eating. Throughout the many available nutrients, along the same plants will absorb as much as available. This fact gave birth to the term luxury consumption. Throughout do not destabilize the soil solution chemistry, plants will absorb nutrients provided land. The results are used as food reserves and to reproduce themselves.

Slow release fertilizer is made ?, from chemical fertilizers are coated with specific layers that are permeable. The existence of the coating makes the chemical is released bit by bit according to the passage of time. If it's true that the release of the chemical elements according to the needs of plants, of course not be included in the packaging label usage rate period of 3 months or 6 months. The numbers are actually a whole time fertilizer. A number that describes the time period until exhausted release fertilizers contain content fertilizer.

When do we need to use a slow release fertilizer? If we include a lazy lover of orchids. Lazy flushing, and lazy to experiment. Is not one of the pleasures grow orchids is when we watered our favorite plants. Or maybe we are people who are more suitable with plastic Orchid plant.


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